No Ceasefire No Vote logo: red keystone in front of fishnet pattern with text that cays No Ceasefire No Vote


Answers to frequently asked questions about the campaign.

What are the demands?

We demand that the Biden Administration and the Harris campaign listen to the vast majority of their base by using every tool at their disposal to stop the endless killings of Palestinians, by securing a permanent ceasefire and/or enacting an arms embargo—which we believe is the most direct pathway to achieve an end to the ongoing genocide. As Pennsylvania voters in a key swing state, where President Biden won by only 80,000 votes in 2020, we have the unique power to hold them accountable. We cannot in good conscience vote for Vice President Harris until at least one of the following conditions are met: a permanent ceasefire is achieved, OR Vice President Harris publicly commits to an arms embargo against Israel if she is elected.

Why should I take the pledge?

As Pennsylvania voters, we believe our elected leaders should advocate for policies promoting peace, safety, and dignity for all of our communities, both at home and abroad. As residents in a swing state, we have an opportunity to influence Vice President Harris and the Democratic Party. By coming together to sign the “No Ceasefire, No Vote” pledge, we are sending a clear message that a Democratic victory in November depends upon listening to the majority of voters calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Palestine.

You should take the pledge if you are upset that genocide in Gaza is being perpetrated in your name and with your tax dollars. You should take the pledge if you believe an election where both viable candidates actively support genocide is unacceptable. You should take the pledge for the millions of people around the world who are harmed by U.S. policies but don’t get a vote.

Since October 2023, Israel has killed over 39,000 Palestinians (including more than 15,000 children) and displaced over 2 million people from their homes. Vice President Kamala Harris and the Biden Administration have the power to end this genocide today and, despite the fact that a firm majority of voters disagree with their actions, they have chosen not to.

Who is NCNV?

We are a collection of PA voters, not affiliated with any organization(s), who want to see an end to the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. We came together to form NCNV because we believe that we we need to do everything in our power to pressure Vice President Harris and the Biden Administration to end the genocide in Gaza.

What is the goal?

Our goal is to secure an immediate, permanent, and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, which is supported by 80% of the Democratic base and the majority of U.S. voters. We are calling on Vice President Harris and the Biden Administration to do everything in their power to ensure this outcome. We believe one of the most direct pathways to achieve this outcome is through imposing an arms embargo on the Israeli government.

As Pennsylvania voters, we are coming together to give Vice President Harris and the Democratic Party the opportunity to change course on Gaza, thereby helping secure a victory in November.

Doesn’t this help Trump?

Unfortunately, the Biden/Harris Administration’s refusal to listen to the majority of their base and use all of the tools at their disposal to secure a permanent ceasefire is helping Trump. President Biden lost significant support from core constituencies, including young voters and voters of color and was polling behind Trump in all seven key swing states before he dropped out of the race. More than 700,000 people voted “uncommitted” in democratic primaries, and hundreds of thousands more who lacked an “uncommitted” option on the ballot either wrote it in or left the top of the ticket blank.

Now that President Biden has dropped out of the race, Vice President Harris has a unique opportunity to win back the support of the voters alienated by Biden’s policies. But that will only happen if Harris takes meaningful action to bring about a ceasefire.

Right now, a huge number of voters are planning to stay home in November. We are giving Vice President Harris a chance to re-engage these voters by doing the right thing.

But seriously, shouldn’t the #1 priority be defeating Trump?

We believe that doing everything in our power to bring about a ceasefire IS the way to defeat Trump. Vice President Harris can secure a victory in November by listening to the majority of her constituents who want a permanent ceasefire. We know another Trump presidency would be disastrous for our communities. We are taking action because this genocide needs to end, and because we believe that continued support for genocide will all but guarantee a second Trump term.

What if there is a temporary ceasefire?

It is not acceptable to simply press pause on a genocide. The Biden Administration and the Harris campaign need to take action to ensure a permanent ceasefire.

What if there is a contested convention?

We want to see an immediate and permanent end to this genocide no matter whose name is at the top of the ticket. If other candidates emerge, we will also call on them to publicly commit to enact a full arms embargo, and we pledge that we will not vote for any candidate unless they publicly commit to doing everything in their power—including ending weapons shipments to Israel—to bring about a ceasefire.

Why Pennsylvania?

All voters should have power in the United States, but in Pennsylvania, a key swing state decided by the thinnest margins, we have more power than others. Because our votes often determine national outcomes, we can make a huge difference in sending a strong message from our state. In 2020, it was Pennsylvania voters who delivered the election for Biden; in the final tally, he emerged with a narrow 80,000 vote lead. This year, the Democratic Party needs those votes more than ever.

What will you do with my contact information?

The contact information of all pledge signers will not be publicly shared. We may use your contact information to send you occasional campaign updates.

Do I have to be registered as a democrat to sign the pledge?

No. Any registered voter in PA who feels conflicted about voting for the Democratic presidential nominee due to the Biden/Harris Administration’s handling of the ongoing genocide in Gaza can take the pledge.

Do I have to be registered to vote in PA to sign the pledge?

Yes. If you are eligible to vote but haven’t registered yet, the deadline to register to participate in the PA general presidential election is October 21st. Get it done today!

I already signed the pledge. What else can I do to support the campaign?

  1. Share this pledge with friends + family members!
  2. Sign up to volunteer with us
  3. Follow us on social media!
  4. Donate